China3D printingNet, June 17th, researchers from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and Deakin University in Australia have used3D printingTo make food that can make dysphagia (dysphagia) more delicious and safer to eat.
The research team used pureed food as “ink” to print food in 3D to make the food more visually attractive and provide a safer diet for people who have difficulty swallowing.Considering that many social activities revolve around eating out, the researchers suggest3D printingThe advantages of technology may not only lie in increasing nutritional value.
People with swallowing disorders often face the risk of food choking, which can be fatal. Therefore, in order to make food easier to eat, some people need to make it soft or even puree. At this time, the appearance and feel of the food will change, which will affect people’s appetite and quality of life. “Speech pathologist researcher Professor Bronwyn Hemsley said.
“if[3D打印食品]Can be printed in any shape, they can go to Christmas parties or birthday parties, and still be part of special occasions, they can still eat things that look like cakes, nuts or biscuits, but they are made of fruit puree.“
3D printing
Soft food” alt=”Researchers from University of Technology Sydney and Deakin University tried to design a more nutritious
3D printing
Soft food” width=”620″ height=”381″ />
Researchers at the University of Technology Sydney and Deakin University tried to design a more nutritious3D printingSoft food. Filmed via UTS.
3D printingFood and swallowing disorders
Professor Hemsley said that about 8% of Australians (2 million people) suffer from dysphagia related to stroke, Parkinson’s disease, motor neuron disease or dementia. The disease can cause serious consequences, which can lead to aspiration pneumonia, malnutrition and even asphyxia. Swallowing disorders are usually controlled by those who develop these diseases by adopting modified diets, but these diets can cause loss of appetite and affect their quality of life.
3D printingUsed to solve swallowing difficulties in the past, the German food innovation company Biozoon launched in 20143D printingFood extruder.Nevertheless, according to Australian researchers, it is necessary to continue to develop natural and nutritious3D printingProducts also need to continue to develop foods, including foods containing protein and fat.In addition, there is still a need to design a large-scale3D printingFood method, this method can be tailored for people with special nutritional requirements.
For larger scale adoption3D printingWith food, the researchers found that a more systematic approach was needed and set out to identify the problems and solutions surrounding providing food for people with special dietary needs.Between 2012 and 20173D printingAfter conducting a cross-reference study on food applications, the research team found no scientific evidence that these foods have improved nutritional value.As a result, the goal of Australian researchers is to create a more nutritious3D printingFood, this is still an aspirational goal, and they are3D printingThe research was reviewed.
Peer-reviewed additive food research
After analyzing existing research, the Australian team found that the initial research3D printingFood is more attractive, producing chocolate, sugar and biscuits. Therefore, there are still problems in the design and production of various nutritious foods, and some commercially available products still maintain this method. In order to change this situation and produce healthier meals, the researchers cited a 2016 report from the University of Queensland. Studies have found that foods produced using liquid deposition technology are more suitable for the production of foods with high nutritional value. Although this method has achieved a certain degree of success, high molecular weight polymerized carbohydrates have proven difficult to print without modification.
because3D printingFood looks more attractive than traditional food alternatives. Another Kansas State University study used food molds to shape food into more attractive shapes. However, the results of this study do not reflect these shaped foods well, and many older experimenters find them more difficult to swallow.Despite this, the Australian scientist insisted that there is no3D printingFood record research, and start to make nutritious “soft food” for the elderly to use.
3D printing
Meals (such as Biozoon’s meals) (pictured) have focused on texture and shape” alt=” previous
3D printing
Meals (such as Biozoon’s meals) (pictured) have focused on texture and shape” width=”620″ height=”465″ />
Earlier3D printingMeals (such as Biozoon’s meals) (pictured) have focused on texture and shape. Photography: Biozoon.
Findings of Australian researchers
The researchers used a 3D food printer in the Protospace Laboratory at the University of Technology Sydney to use real pure food as ink, and the compressed food was fully cooked before the printing process started.Then, in the3D printingThe machine’s ink cartridges are filled with liquefied food before they print the pre-programmed 3D shapes. According to Professor Hemsley, the social significance of the technology is as important as the nutritional benefits.
“So far, from our understanding of 3D food printing, it is a creative and interesting activity. People are often surprised by what they do and express joy. However, if the shape is not as expected Good, or look worse than the food they are familiar with, they will also be disappointed.”
“We don’t yet know whether people with swallowing disorders are willing to participate in 3D food printing, the support they need, whether to use it, and what benefits they expect. We need to understand this, and we need to find ways to make it easier for more people to use3D printingThe method, if this will help improve their lives. “
China3D printingNet Comments: Now, further observational studies are needed to determine the remaining obstacles to widespread adoption of the technology by the elderly.In addition, in these projects, more control needs to be placed in the hands of consumers in order to better optimize3D printingFood for use in the residential environment.According to the research team, those with preset CAD files for meals with a specific visual appearance are consumer-friendly3D printingThe machine may be the future of this technology.
In the food industry3D printing
In recent years, many3D printingThe company has expanded its preparations for mass production of food.Israeli food3D printingStartup Redefine Meat raised $6 million in seed funding to advance its alternative meat3D printingThe machine was developed in November 2019. The company’s goal is not only to create new foods, but also to design a novel production process.
Campden BRI, a food and beverage research institute based in the United Kingdom, conducted a study in April 2019 to study3D printingThe function of technology on various types of food materials.The company aims to develop its own3D printingFeatures.
Scientists at Columbia University developed a new method in April 20193D printing.3D printingThe method is unique because it can combine different ingredients such as chicken and dough, and selectively cook each ingredient.
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