China3D printingNews from May 16th, if we are3D printingAs discussed in the series on the role of polymers in ecological collapse (average or cause ecological collapse), biopolymers may be a key factor in maintaining a post-industrial society that can coexist with life on earth.Now, the SeaBioComp project has proven3D printingPossibility of biopolymers for large-scale industrial use.
Many members of the Interreg program funded by the European Union choose to produce fenders that are used to protect buildings while mooring and guiding ships. In order to replace tropical wood and synthetic plastics in fender structures, the research team explored the use of two materials: recycled PETG with glass fiber reinforcement (rPETG-GF30) and thermoplastic starch polymer (TSP).
The mooring structure of the traditional mudguard. Image courtesy of De Klerk Waterbouw.
De Klerk Waterbouw, a marine engineering installation expert and project member, outlined the design requirements of the component. It includes a width of 400 mm, a base that can slide into the auxiliary structure, and an open mouth that can be filled with materials to improve impact resistance and energy absorption.
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machine” alt=” CEAD’s CFAM
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Machine” width=”620″ height=”435″ />
CEAD’s CFAM 3D printingmachine. Image courtesy of CEAD.
Poly Products, a Dutch composite material production company, uses CEAD’s large3D printingThe machine printed a fender sample unit composed of TPS and PLA. The structure has undergone material testing by the University of Portsmouth and mechanical testing by De Klerk Waterbouw, and the results are encouraging. The next step is to further optimize the design, materials and production process before manufacturing the full-size fender.
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Fender prototype” alt=”Made of TSP-PLA mixed bioplastics
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The prototype of the fender” width=”620″ height=”570″ />
Made of TSP-PLA mixed bioplastics3D printingPrototype of the fender. Image courtesy of SeaBioComp.
The results of material testing led by the University of Portsmouth and mechanical testing conducted by De Klerk Waterbouw have shown very encouraging results. Further optimization of design, materials and production may lead to future mass production.This will result in a complete installation3D printingMudguards to test the performance of the structure in the field.
As we discussed in the story about TSP, these materials are difficult to process and fragile at room temperature. TSPs are made from starch itself (as opposed to starch-derived lactic acid, such as PLA), and TSP is usually mixed with other plasticizers. In this case, TSP and PLA are mixed, which is its own ecological problem, but if it can be grown and harvested sustainably, there is great hope for petrochemical polymers.
Since chemical companies are investing in fossil fuel-based plastics (except biopolymers), partly to hedge the global transition to renewable energy (which also has its own ecological problems) bets, it is necessary to prove the feasibility of biopolymers. In large-scale industrial applications. Therefore, 3D researchers from Singapore University of Technology and Design printed a completely biodegradable wind turbine blade from chitin and cellulose.
If we can show the world that biopolymers such as TSPs can be used to replace traditional petroleum plastics, then we may be able to maintain some of the traps of post-industrial society while relying on more sustainable resources. However, we are still a long way from demonstrating these possibilities. The SeaBioComp project is to showcase bioplastics3D printingA small but important step of the application.
In addition to demonstrating such applications, it is important to report the life cycle of these items, including where and how the materials were collected, the total life of the manufactured items and where they ended, as well as the emissions and energy consumption of transportation to produce them. The downward trend also shows us that it is not only necessary to replace existing materials and production technologies, but also to reduce total production and consumption, because Jevon’s paradox can lead to so-called sustainable processes to increase total production and consumption. Activities only increase the total material and emission footprint of existing fossil fuel-based operations.
China3D printingNet compile article!
(Editor in charge: admin)
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