China3D printingNet November 9th, fashion designer Ganit Goldstein and Stratasys collaborated by combining embroidery techniques with direct textiles3D printingCombine to create unique works.In October, the artist launched a unique Japanese style exhibition space through the virtual reality fashion exhibition space on his website.3D printingCollection of pictorial works “WeAreABle”.By combining PolyJet technology of multiple materials and3D scanningCombined to produce 3D textiles, Goldstein is in a leading position in the production of new textiles.
During the Tokyo University of the Arts,GoldsteinI found inspiration in Asian craft embroidery and textile painting. Her kimono design follows the Japanese ikat weaving, which is a traditional folk craft since the middle of the 18th century. The unique patterns look like splashes on the fabric.When returning to her studio in London, the designer chose to combine handicraft with3D scanningTechnology integration and then3D printingOnto the fabric.While retaining the characteristics of the technology, it provides a unique method for it, which can provide textiles with3D printingPave the way for the future.
In cooperation with Stratasys, the 3D multi-color printing and obedience to the traditional IKAT weaving are inspired by direct printing on the fabric.Image courtesy of Ganit Goldstein
For the “WeAreABle” project, Goldstein relied on 3D body scans and 3D parameter codes as well as multicolor directly on the fabric3D printingThe combination of making clothing in a brand new way. According to the measurement results of the 360-degree human body scanner, she can make the clothing suitable for a person’s specific body shape and measurement results. The final two sets of clothing combine shape, color and flexibility, and are composed of tailor-made items with unique materials and parametric patterns.
3D printing
” alt=”Ganit Goldstein uses 3D body scans and 3D parameter codes to create multicolor directly on the fabric
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Ganit Goldstein uses 3D body scans and 3D parameter codes to create multicolor directly on the fabric3D printing, This is a brand new way of making clothing.Image courtesy of Ganit Goldstein
Like many designers turn to3D printingTechnology is the same as tailor-made products,GoldsteinIt is shifting from mass-produced fast fashion to an on-demand manufacturing platform, which may eventually become one of the collections of customers seeking art but wearable. Stratasys’ direct textile printing technology allows her to fully digitize the design workflow through to production.This further shows that localized manufacturing and mass customization can lead the fashion trend. This novel technology can ultimately help reduce inventory and waste, which is a very relevant trend, especially in the industry’s trend toward more sustainable brands, creating fashion without leaving a negative footprint. Stratasys has worked closely with many home fashion brands to optimize its novel PolyJet technology to meet the needs of modern clothing manufacturing and make customized fashion designs commercially viable.The collaboration with pioneering designers ThreeASFOUR and Travis Fitch at New York Fashion Week brought direct on clothes3D printingBusiness possibilities.pioneer3D printingThe manufacturer also developed in collaboration with Goldstein in 20193D printingFashion collection of shoes and jewelry.
In cooperation with Stratasys, the 3D multi-color printing and obedience to the traditional IKAT weaving are inspired by direct printing on the fabric.Image courtesy of Ganit Goldstein
For this project,GoldsteinThink of the human body as a platform for innovation and focus on the development of smart textiles. By combining the two, it redraws the boundary between hand-made and machine-made, which particularly limits the limitations of technology and tradition.Although Japanese embroidery is the soul of the project, it is directly woven in multiple colors3D printingBut it is its core. The algorithm followed by the kimono is composed of 3D body scans and converted to a printed surface during the printing using3D printing, Stratasys designers and engineers can print scan data and create a textile that “memorizes” the 3D characteristics of specific objects. The results include clothing that fits the model’s precise curves and unique body shapes.
In cooperation with Stratasys, the 3D multi-color printing and obedience to the traditional IKAT weaving are inspired by direct printing on the fabric.Image courtesy of Ganit Goldstein
Finally, every garment made from 3D to 2D CAD operations and 3D design workflow is a precise fabric. The never-before-seen design showcases unique colors, textures and main shadow usage, which can be appreciated from different angles, with an iconic focal point on the back. The kimono style is fixed on a flower-like pattern, which completely covers the fabric, which has the modern flavor of a century-old Japanese traditional dress.3D printingKimono inspiration series on display in Milan” alt=” Ganit Goldstein3D printingKimono inspiration series on display in Milan” width=”620″ height=”623″ />
Ganit Goldstein3D printingThe kimono inspiration series is exhibited in Milan.Image courtesy of Stratasys / Ganit Goldstein
Since its launch, the team has demonstrated in Milan’s prestigious “Linea Pelle” exhibition3D printingWorks, as well as several other clothing and textiles in the Stratasys Art, Fashion and Design collection, allow you to gain a deeper understanding of new products. With PolyJet technology, the technology used to print textiles. In the next few months, these works will also be exhibited at the D-house in Milan as part of a permanent exhibition.
(Editor in charge: admin)
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