China3D printingNet September 24, the leader of space manufacturing technology, Made In Space (MIS), will send its first ceramic manufacturing facility to the International Space Station (ISS) on September 29.
The Turbine Ceramic Manufacturing Module (CMM) is part of Northrop Grumman’s fourteenth commercial replenishment mission (NG-14). It will be the first stereolithography in orbit ( SLA) printer.
Michael Snyder, Chief Engineer of MIS and Chief Technology Officer of Redwire, the parent company of MIS and Aviation Group, said: “This mission is an exciting opportunity that further demonstrates the value of ISS as a platform for business innovation and utilization.
Through the partnership with NASA, we are on-site identifying and developing advanced manufacturing processes that may generate sustainable demand from the ground market. CMM is the first of several missions that may herald a new market for space products. “
Redwire’s acquisition of the “Space Manufacturing” project will not affect the company’s cooperation with NASA or ISS. The picture comes from MIS.
Additive Manufacturing and the International Space Station
CMM will be the fifth facility introduced by MIS to ISS. In October 2019, MIS cooperated with Brazilian petrochemical company Braskem to develop a plastic recycling facility for the3D printingComponents.The company adopted its first and second generation3D printingThe on-orbit and derailment operations of the aircraft can be traced back to 2014.
Last year, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration installed the Refabricator system of American aerospace company Tethers Unlimited on the International Space Station. The Refabricator system is3D printingThe machine and plastic recycling station were developed with funding from NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program. NASA is also working with KULR Technology Group to transport and store batteries on the International Space Station through its thermal runaway shield (TRS) storage solution.This year
This yearIn July, industry, academia and government experts visited the Space Virtual Additive Manufacturing Studio of the Space Science Development Center (CASIS). Participants discussed additive manufacturing in space microgravity and its potential for the development of new advanced materials.
Talked about the topic of microgravity specific materials and processes, on-site resource utilization and space production.
3D printing
Speeches by industry experts including Michael Petch” alt=”The “Space Additive Manufacturing” seminar featured features from including
3D printing
Speeches by many industry experts including Michael Petch of the industry” width=”620″ height=”349″ />
The “Space Additive Manufacturing” seminar featured features from including3D printingSpeeches by many industry experts including Michael Petch of the industry. Photo courtesy of ISS National Laboratory.
According to China3D printingNetwork understanding,CMM represents a “new” on the International Space Station 3D printingThe realization of technology can increase the commercial utilization of the space station.
The space manufacturing facility is designed to prove the feasibility of manufacturing one-piece ceramic turbine components in a microgravity environment. Since defects caused by gravity (such as settlement and composition gradients) are eliminated, manufacturing turbine parts in this way may result in them having higher strength and lower residual stress.
CMM SLA 3D printingThe method was developed in collaboration with NASA’s ISS Research Integration Office at the Johnson Space Center, and it uses UV curable resins and UV lasers to print high-precision turbine components.
Matthew Napoli, vice president of space operations at MIS, said: “The ceramic manufacturing technology that space manufacturing is sending to the space station represents an expansion of commercial capabilities. The new features we are developing with NASA and our technology partners can bring game-changing innovations. , So as to provide ground advantage through space manufacturing.”
Braskem Recycle Bin
CMM is the third ISS pilot payload developed in cooperation with NASA, with the aim of expanding the demand for low earth orbit (LEO) commercial capabilities.The HRL laboratory in California and Sierra Turbines also participated in the CMM mission as technical partners.
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