AMESOS and Polymaker announce a strategic partnership to jointly develop high-speed fusion wire manufacturing (FFF)-based 3D printingsolution.
Combining physical simulation and data science to guide and optimize the printing process
Speed is a key bottleneck for FFF-based 3D printing technology. This is a major obstacle to wider adoption of the technology, especially in continuous production applications. Despite this industry consensus, increasing FFF over the years 3D printingProgress in speed has been fairly limited. A key reason for the lack of progress is that technological breakthroughs require technical expertise in multiple fields to work together. “We started out trying to solve the problem individually,” said AMESOS co-founder Tommy Huang, “but quickly realized that we were only part of the solution, so expertise in many other areas was desperately needed.” “The process of FFF 3D printing is complex. The performance is several orders of magnitude higher than traditional polymer processing technologies,” said Dr. Xiaofan Luo, President of Polymaker, “so to really solve this problem, we need some major paradigm shifts in the R&D process.”
The goal of AMESOS and Polymaker’s collaboration is to jointly develop an FFF-based high-speed 3D printing solution, which they call “FFF 2.0”. Dr. Luo Xiaofan said the two parties will adopt a process-centric, bottom-up approach, starting with research and definition of the process, which will then be used to guide printer design and material development. This is very different from how many printers and materials companies do their research and development today.
To address the complexities of the process, Polymaker will also introduce Helio Additive, a new startup co-founded with Polymaker’s help. Helio Additive is developing a unique software solution that combines physics-based simulation and data science to guide the development and optimization of the printing process. Helio’s software tools will be an important factor in the success of this partnership.
AMESOS will introduce the Blade1 high-speed 3D printing system to the market this quarter. Preliminary results show that, with the existing FFF 3D printerIn contrast, print time has been consistently reduced by more than 60% without affecting overall print quality. In addition, using Polymaker’s custom-developed materials, the mechanical properties of the prints are not reduced or even improved at high speeds. “What we’re trying to achieve is high speed printing without sacrificing part quality or performance,” Tommy said, “It’s very different from some of the overstatements you see in the industry, where high speed is often accompanied by a Compromise. What we want is a real increase in efficiency without sacrificing print performance.”
“AMESOS and Polymaker share a common vision for the future of FFF in terms of mass production,” said Luo Xiaofan. “We are still in the early stages, and there is huge untapped potential to be explored.” AMESOS and Polymaker are currently working on a long-term technology roadmap . Their ultimate goal is to make FFF-based 3D printing a competitive and widely adopted production technology.
(responsible editor: admin)
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