China3D printingNet January 15th, barcode scanner manufacturer ProGlove has partnered with post-processing specialist DyeMansion to begin mass production of its latest wearable device. By using DyeMansion’s POWERSHOT system, the company has been able to create products with a higher finish, including colors that match the brand’s fluorescent colors. The long-term partnership has also enabled ProGlove to increase the production of its new MARK Display scanner, and the two companies are already working on the release of their next product. Konstantin Brunnbauer, vice president of production at ProGlove, explained: “The parts are painted at the beginning, but the color fades during use. With PolyShot surfacing, we have an outstanding surface. I think it’s one of a kind compared to some injection molded parts. This is a premium. Cooperation has given us trust in this technology and found the right way to design it in a way that we can use.” ProGlove’s Industry 4.0 equipment ProGlove was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Munich. Its “MARK” scanning device and “Insight” software series are designed to make smart wearable devices as easy to use as possible. The company’s products are often used in the automotive sector, and its previous customers include Audi, Volkswagen and SEAT. Initially, ProGlove used FDM 3D printingTo create a prototype, but determined that this is not enough to produce a functional device. At the same time, switching to SLS provides companies with greater design freedom and the ability to print complex parts, but they still cannot achieve the quality of injection molding.In particular, ProGlove is worried that only white3D printingEquipment and spray it into different shades. After long-term use, the company noticed that its prototypes were beginning to fade and sought a production solution to enable it to consistently create high-quality products. 3D printingThe parts are treated with high-quality anti-scratch treatment” alt=”The cooperation with DyeMansion enables ProGlove to3D printingThe parts are treated with high-quality anti-scratch treatment” width=”620″ height=”393″ /> The cooperation with DyeMansion enables ProGlove to3D printingThe parts are treated with high quality anti-scratch treatment. Picture from ProGlove. 3D printingHigh-quality scanner In order to overcome these thorny problems, ProGlove outsourced the printing process to the service provider FORRISE, which proved to be able to reproduce these equipment. The company then worked with DyeMansion to help complete its products and found that customers prefer to use Polyshot processed parts compared to injection molded parts. Therefore, ProGlove modified its post-processing settings and switched to the POWERSHOT machine for cleaning and surface treatment before using the DM60 system for coloring. By using the “product printing to product” process, the company is now able to manufacture the latest scanner with its usual orange pattern, which is an important part of its brand image. “When it comes to color, the white part is not good. We want this orange light signal.” Brunnbauer explained, “When we first started dyeing with DyeMansion DM60, it was a standard orange. DyeMansion has done some Color development is now our “ProGlove Orange”. As a relatively new company, ProGlove intends to release new product iterations every year and use3D printingTo shorten the innovation cycle. Therefore, although the company is currently expanding the release of its new Display scanner, it has partnered with DyeMansion to add new features to its product portfolio. Post-processing When creating high-quality parts, post-processing and3D printingAs important as it is, and recognizing this trend, several companies have now developed their own dedicated machines. SLA headquartered in the United States 3D printingMachine manufacturer Nexa3D launched the xCure post-processing system in October 2020. According to reports, the company’s new machine can cure parts “at production scale” and has already used its flagship machine NXE400 3D printingThe machine has been optimized.Austria3D printingMachine manufacturer Genera also released a new post-processing unit last year, called “F2”. Once connected to the company’s G2 printer, the machine’s shuttle system can automatically transport parts between them without any manual processing. Elsewhere, LuxYours has obtained a patent for the iterative flux smoothing (IFS) technology used in its LUXMatic 700 post-processing system.The company’s technology effectively combines several chambers into a closed space in which the3D printingThe parts are pre-processed, and they can also be smoothed together.
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