China3D printingNet, June 22, researchers at the University of Manchester have developed a simple and cheap method that can be used3D printingThe “bone bricks” repaired broken limbs in response to urgent medical needs in Syrian refugee camps.
Thousands of Syrian refugees have been traumatized by the war. They were hit by barrel bombs and other explosives in their homes and suffered severe explosion injuries. Due to the collapse of the medical system, many people were unable to obtain necessary medical services. Therefore, the only option is usually amputation.
A team at the University of Manchester, led by Paulo Bartolo, Chair Professor of Advanced Manufacturing, has developed a temporary structure made of polymer and ceramic materials.3D printing“Bone bricks” to fill the void left by the explosion damage. The bricks can be clicked together to achieve proper assembly and are degradable; then allow new tissue to grow around them. When it dissolves, the structure will support the load like normal bones, and at the same time induce the formation of new bones.
Andrew Weightman and Paulo Bartolo in the laboratory. The picture is from the University of Manchester.
Create simple, low-cost solutions for medical prostheses
Since the beginning of the conflict, barrel bombs have caused great suffering to Syria and its civilians.According to China3D printingThe net understands that in early 2018, barrel bombs have killed more than 11,000 civilians in Syria since 2012 and injured more.
If a person survives the explosion, their limbs are still in danger of suffering a larger jagged fracture. Even under the best conditions, this type of injury is the main challenge for repair, because in this case, a fully equipped, technologically advanced orthopedic surgery hospital and expensive post-care services can be used. However, refugee camps are the daily life of many Syrians, and these camps are far away from any complicated surgical procedures, which means that in many cases amputations are the most likely outcome.
Inspired by the plight of Syrian refugees, Bartolo and the Manchester University team invented an accessible process to help those in need of emergency medical services.Bartolo in Africa in the War of Independence in 1968southeastGrowing up in the Ministry of Mozambique, he explained that he recognized the ongoing suffering caused by the Syrian civil war.
Infographic of refugees in Syria in Turkey. Picture from Paulo Bartolo.
3D printingThe idea of the bone brick was put forward when Amer Shoaib, a consultant orthopedic doctor of the Manchester Royal Infirmary, visited the University of Manchester to discuss his experience in treating Syrian refugees in a Turkish refugee camp. “He told us that in Syria, the sequelae of the explosion hazard are sometimes uncontrollable because of the constant risk of infection. The collapse of the healthcare system has also led to many treatments for people who are not actually trained medical staff.”
Bartolo and his research colleagues Andy Weightman and Glenn Cooper decided to help and apply their expertise, and Bartolo’s academic interest is focused on3D printingBiomanufacturing of tissue engineering. Due to the limitations of the current grafting technology, including the risk of infection and further harm, due to the nature of the situation in Syria, Bartolo and his team have to consider other factors. “We must consider making[…]The bracket is more cost-effective and can be used in environments that require extremely difficult control. “Bartolo commented.
The team chose to use3D printingAs a low-cost solution to manufacture bone bricks, integrate them with a biodegradable porous structure and inject antibiotic ceramic slurry into them. Bone brick prosthesis and paste can not only prevent infection, but also promote bone regeneration and establish mechanically stable osseointegration during healing. After receiving support from the Global Challenge Research Fund, the team went to Turkey to continue developing prostheses and help the Syrian refugee community there, meeting with scholars, surgeons and medical companies directly related to the refugees and their injuries.This ensures3D printingThe shape and design of the bone bricks are as consistent as possible with the needs of first-line clinicians.
Bone bricks at x750 magnification. Picture from Paulo Bartolo.
The team is also developing software that allows clinicians to choose the exact number of bone bricks of a specific shape and size, as well as information on how to assemble it for a specific bone defect. According to Bartolo, “The bone brick solution is more cost-effective than current treatments. For a typical 100mm fracture injury, we expect the limb-saving solution to be less than £200. This is much cheaper than the current solution. Depending on the type required, the cost of the artificial limb for this solution is between £270 and £1,000.
Now entering the final stage of the three-year project, Bartolo and his team have used computer simulation to evaluate the bone bricks and used them in the laboratory.3D printingA prototype was created and the mechanical and biological properties of the bricks were tested in vitro. The next step is to test animals to prepare the device for regulatory approval, and then prepare the project for trials on human patients.
Bone bricks scanned by electron microscope. Picture courtesy of Paolo Bartolo.
pass through3D printingProvide assistance in Syria
3D printingIt has been used in many ways to help provide assistance to those in need in the Syrian civil war.
In 2018, Sydney Relief, a British charity based in Syria, pleaded with the Department for International Development (DFID) to provide funding for children’s 3D prostheses. Traditional methods of making prostheses are expensive and time-consuming. Currently, the charity needs five days to make the prosthesis.Doctors engaged in disaster relief work believe that only3D printingProsthetic limbs can be produced with a one-time investment on the aircraft, which can meet the demand for prosthetic limbs in Syria.
In addition, Italy3D printingThe machine manufacturer WASP also donated a prosthetic limb to Damascus University in Syria3D printingLaboratory to help people in conflict.
Outside of healthcare,3D printingIt has also played an indispensable role in protecting important historical sites in Syria, including the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra.
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