DLP in cooperation with Collider3D printing

Acquisitions like the Essentium-Collider deal are3D printingThe industry is certainly not uncommon. With the development of the entire industry, more and more companies ultimately target a similar customer base, and the motivation for competition and innovation has become strong. Therefore, like any industry, big fish eat small fish, integration events such as mergers and acquisitions become inevitable.
In fact, just this month, Desktop Health, a healthcare subsidiary of Desktop Metal, acquired a new 3D
The right to print technology. This platform was named PhonoGraft, which can print out soft tissues that accelerate the regeneration of the human eardrum, which may regenerate the eardrum tissue of patients with hearing loss.
The same phenomenon can also be seen in3D printingI saw in the service bureau,
The group’s parent company Groupe Gorgé has just acquired3D printingService provider Creabis. As Creabis specializes in series polymer production, it will strengthen the product division of the Gorgé Group and enable them to enter a new growth market in Europe.
(Editor in charge: admin)
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