China3D printingNet, March 27, at present, there are news reports involving the use of3D printingVarious ways to address the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Many of these stories are posted directly on the Internet, hoping to spread through this. Therefore, we will publish a series of articles discussing some of the methods used by additive manufacturing (AM) for medical work so far. However, in a period of media hype and false information, it is very important that we look at these stories critically.
We have learned how questionable information about the current pandemic. The method of reporting the virus varies from country to country, even from town to town, as does testing. The government’s exact response to this pandemic is being challenged, which makes it difficult to find authority on this topic. Moreover, with the power of social media, everyone has become an expert.Since the exact source of the virus is still under heated discussion, many conspiracy theories question whether the virus comes from ChinaSeafood marketOr the US biological weapons laboratory leaked. Is it related to the “flu” reported in the fall of 2019, or to research conducted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Even a large number of celebrities are fascinated by these stories.
Just like this information, about using3D printingThe same goes for news that comes in response to medical emergencies. 3D printingHow useful is medical equipment? Are they safe? Are they hygienic?If you remember a few years ago with3D printingThere is a wave of news reports related to prostheses, and you will answer what we should answer about the current3D printingThere is a kind of understanding about the questions related to the news wave.Although they are full of potential and are an important way to solve the cost of medical equipment, many3D printingThe strength of the prosthesis is not enough to achieve functional purposes beyond aesthetics and simple grasp.
An example of the current coronavirus outbreak is3D printingParts (can be used to fix Mylar sheet to create a mask) and complete3D printingThe difference between the ventilator masks.The former was created by Dr. Tarek Loubani of London, Canada. Because its main function is to act as an interface for wearing a polyester film, it looks relatively safe, and the polyester film will not be affected by the usual pores. Impact3D printing. The latter was recently launched by the well-known Italian company WASP. In view of the possible porosity of the parts, it raised questions about how to sterilize this equipment. This is not to say that the WASP device may be useless, especially if it needs to be used quickly or needs to be used after the medical standards are in place, but its safety cannot be fully considered. We will cover these two stories in more depth in subsequent articles in this series, but hope to introduce them here to give you an idea of the potential issues related to these stories.
A 3D mask printed by Dr. Tarek Loubani. Image courtesy of Tarek Loubani.
We must not only pay attention to the current coronavirus3D printingThe effectiveness and safety of the news stream, and many responses from the AM industry and the entire industry seem to be trying to take advantage of this situation. For economic benefit.and3D printingControversial or novel products (such as sex toys, food, etc.) how to attract people’s attention is the same.All of this means that in the discussion3D printingWe should be skeptical on the topic of how to help the current COVID-19 pandemic. However, AM is likely to be very useful, especially when medical supplies may be lacking.For this reason, we will report3D printingThe app handles the COVID-19 version of news, but hopes to be skeptical.
China3D printingNet compilation
(Editor in charge: admin)
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